Dienstag, 1. Januar 2013

Andrew Johnson - The Control of Information - 911, Energy and Sequestered Technologies

About this episode
The Control of Information: 911, Energy and Sequestered Technologies - In this presentation, Andrew who has a background in Software Engineering, tutoring and education, will look at the evidence for the cover up of “free energy”. Looking around us, we can see fantastic advances in many areas of technology – yet in ground transportation, we are still “stuck” with decades old internal combustion engine technology which has not progressed much. A look at the evidence tells us that we can exploit Radiant Energy, Cold Fusion, and other forms of “vacuum energy”. Andrew will also discuss another reason why we do not have access to this technology - because it has been turned into a weapon - one that was used on 9/11. He will discuss how this knowledge - uncovered by the careful research of Dr Judy Wood - has been covered up - even by many "alternative knowledge" researchers and websites. See www.checktheevidence.com/ for more information.