Samstag, 29. August 2009

Mega Third Eye Activation - Cannabis Canon

27. August 2009

*NOTE* This Activation was designed to be used with Cannabis *NOTE*

These are Shaktipat (Chakra Activating Magick) Chants that I took and uploaded into Reason 4.0 to make a type of Meditation music.. you can order a CD with all these chants on it on my lulu page =)

lightbody. vibrational healing, lucid life, lucidity, prophesy, predictions, reiki, unconditional love. moment, in the moment, essene, energy, energetic, healing, Chinese medicine. Chinese astrology, Quantum Physics, Kabbalah, Qabala, Sacred Geometry. feng shui, dolphins, kundalini, swami, essential oils, aromatherapy, young living oils. rebirthing, organic, magic, magical, magik, magikal, magus, magi, meta. trance, macrobiotic, fire walking, divine, rebirthing, intentional communities. communes, new age, metaphysics, metaphysical, acupuncture, acupressure. accupuncture, accupressure, harmony, dance, drumming, drum, om, aum. namaste, intuition, intuitive, Gnosticism, mudra, raja, Sanskrit, meridian. bardo, soul, silence, samsara, devi, visionary, bhakti, snatam kaur, sadhana. siddhi, asana, prana, miracle, sitar, insight, meeting, self, merkaba. holosync, brain, power, transcendental meditation, maitreya, neurology, quantum physics, psychology, epistemology, ontology, cosmology. ancient sacred sites, Sedona vortex, power sites, Tantra, Upanishads. Bhagavad Gita, Advaita Vedanta, 11:11, 2012 endtimes predictions, harmonic convergence, essenes, mystic, mystical, visionary, crystal healing. crystal magic (magick, Majick, Majic), Angel Therapy Practitioner, reiki healing. psychic medium, spiritualism, mediumship, crystal children, indigo child. indigo children, rainbow children, Hay house, psychic children. orin and daben, coast to coast Radio, visualize, telepathy, paranormal. phenomena, clairvoyance, mindfulness, bodhisattva, shambala, shambhalla. shamballa, Shambhala, metaphysics, metaphysical, meditation, sufi meditation. sufi dance, yoga, karma yoga, bhakta yoga, bhakti yoga, raja yoga. kundalini yoga, yogi, yogini, Ashtanga yoga, bikram yoga, hot yoga. kundalini awakening, kundalini, light body, awakening your lightbody, chakra alignment, chakra system, chakra energy, tarot, extra terrestrials. extraterrestrials, aliens, ufo, ufos, tantric sex, tantra, bardo worlds, falun (falon) gong, falun dafa, reiki group healing,

Sonntag, 23. August 2009

Historial de Eventos 2009

10. Januar 2009

Para mas:


The End in the World

Dees Illustration

Sonntag, 16. August 2009

Golden mean -- Able to love

22. Januar 2009

Just a quick vid made with pix from + some Alex Grey artwork & a few googled pix. Highly suggest taking the time to watch Dan Winters videos & check out the site.

Music Benny Bennasi - Able to love

Samstag, 15. August 2009

Stepping Away from the Fear 5/5

14. August 2009

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - American Voice Radio - 08/13/09


2012 Circumpoloar Rainbow Bridge by José Arguelles Part 2 of 2

17. Juli 2009

Part 2* minor update (THX TO Felipesparx29 for creation of this vid & details) (reposted coments) (300 views previous to re-upped version)

0:00 - 0:07 Once the rainbow bridge appears that the star people and the ancestors will be

able to come across on that
0:08 - 1:21 Rainbow bridge templet explained,octahedral core, dna coil, earth prana, time

1:22- 1:49 Clip showing this in motion
1:50 -2:09 The 28 day cycle
2:10 - 2:37 Imagining this in your heart, telepathically directing the plasmic energy to

producing a rainbow bridge across the planet
2:38 - 2:54 Earth rotates, Rainbow Bridge remains stationary
2:55 - 3:21 The unimaginable physiological healing effect of what this could produce

within the human race
3:22 - 3:41 Bio-psychic electromagnetic human being at sacred sites around the planet

practicing this visualization
3:42 - 3:46 Every July 25th; Day Out of Time
3:47 - 5:24 Building the Telepathic Field, Synchronizing ourselves in time with a common

purpose to creat the 2012 Rainbow Bridge
5:25 - 5:54 Universal, Irreversible and the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge will be permanent
5:55 - 6:04 Activation of the Noosphere, Passage through Teilhard de Chardin's Omega

Point, Spiritualizaion of life on Earth
6:05 - 6:13 Proove that human beings together were able to do something more positively

something more great than negatively
6:14 - 6:52 The healing of the Earth the healing of our hearts, the healing of our lives
6:53 - 7:30 Rainbow Aura, The Rainbow People
7:31 - 7:56 The Earth safe....once again
7:57 - 9:21 Year 2012, Its Stamped into eveyones heart
9:22 - 10:00 José Argüelles vision

comment previously wouldn't let me repost some of idea why

or so :)

2012 Trailer - Deutsche Kino Trailer von

8. August 2009

Deutscher Trailer zum Film "2012". Kinostart in Deutschland: 19.11.2009 Weitere Trailer findest du auf © Copyright: Das Copyright liegt bei dem jeweiligen Filmstudio.
Deutscher Trailer zum Film "2012".
Kinostart in Deutschland: 19.11.2009
Weitere Trailer findest du auf
© Copyright: Das Copyright liegt bei dem jeweiligen Filmstudio.

Dienstag, 11. August 2009

Einheitsfeld Theorie - Nassim Haramein

(Crossing the Event Horizon)

Nassim Haramein zeigt in diesem Vortrag auf die Widersprüche der gegenwärtigen Wissenschaftstheorien und beschreibt auf einer einfachen Weise die Änderungen, die uns zu einer einheitlichen, umfassenden und fachübergreifenden Physik führen können.Seine Theorie vereinheitlicht die vier Naturkräfte, und liefert ein Verständnis für Existenz des Bewusstseins und die Evolution, die in der fundamentalen Struktur der Raum-Zeit verwurzelt sind. Haramein beschreibt die Parallelen zwischen seiner Theorie und den Erkenntnissen der alten Zivilisationen, heiliger Geometrie und modernen Entdeckungen.
Sie bekommen hier die DVD!

Samstag, 8. August 2009

Lucifers New Capital - Astana

7. August 2009

NWO Capital

Die Pandemie-Lüge Schweinegrippe H1N1 breitet sich aus. Spanische Grippe wie 1918.

28. April 2009

Die schreckliche Schweinegrippe soll wohl mit der Spanischen Grippe zu vergleichen sein. Sie soll dann unzählige Menschen dahinraffen!

Dienstag, 4. August 2009

Sacred Blue Fire Initiation - July Solar August Lunar Eclipse 2009 - 2012 gr53b

2. August 2009 Sacred Blue Fire Initiation - July Solar August Lunar Eclipse 2009 - 2012 mayan maya pleiadies pleiadian et arcturus sacred geometry religion dna christ church calendar angels dimensions transformation cosmic rays sun indigo yoga telepathic galactic veil breakthrough immortal lemuria atlantis seventh generation crystal children andromeda heart alignment enlightenment density lightworkers light mind brain matrix atomic cellular aquarius mars venus moon earth gaia jupiter chiron saturn neptune uranus pluto third eye pyramid egyptian summerian buddhist tao i-ching prophecy revolution chaos guidance birth world new age sirius om torus waves isis tantra male female america humanity toxic toxin dragon nation promise healing aries taurus gemini leo libra virgo scorpio sagittarius capricorn pisces masculine feminine divine ida pinagala kundalini thymus pineal crown kingdom heaven politics usa euro money strange wierd happy healthy core medium psychic knowledge evolution want reject fail fall journey org gov com experience see art fractal physics attraction past ceremony

Montag, 3. August 2009

3 Minute Consciousness Mash Up

19. April 2009

Ram Dass,
Robert Anton Wilson,
Graham Hancock,
youtuber mountainmystic9 for the 741 hz Solfeggio frequency for deepening the awareness of well-being (here sped up)
+ youtuber illicitDragon for the consciousness altering background visual (here slowed down)

Here's to our reawoken and reclaimed consciousness!

Sonntag, 2. August 2009

Interview with Richard Gage (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth)

1. August 2009

Richard Gage is the founder of "Architects and Engineer for 9/11 Truth". In this Interview Gage told how important it is for european countries, not to ignore the Eptember 11th attacks in New York and Washington.

Therefore Richard Gage travels around the world to report about the scientific evidence that the World Trade Center come down by controlled demolition.

Samstag, 1. August 2009

"Gaiatune" by Miss Magikal and Catzmagick

16. Juli 2009

I am delighted to showcase this wonderful video made by Catzmagick, set to the amazing vocals of Miss Magikal singing her hypnotic new song "Gaiatune". This beautiful creation was a collaboration between Catzmagick and Miss Magikal, both of whom are great friends of mine, and I wanted to share this video with all of my subscribers.

Miss Magikal

Catzmagick Productions