Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010

UFO's Over New York Freeman and Jim Marrs on Truth Frequency Radio

cosmicpreachers2 | October 18, 2010

10-13-10 a massive UFO display was seen by thousands in New York City. The event lasted all day and reports began to surface of sightings all over the world. This coincided with predictions made by retired NORAD director, Stan Fulham in his 325 page book, Challenges Of Change.
Tonight, 10-14-10 we welcome veteran researchers and UFOlogists -- Jim Marrs and Freeman to discuss the event. Was it prophecy fulfilled? Are aliens real and visiting us? Or is this simply a government PSYOP??
And joining us once again is my lovely guest co-host -- Christie Aphrodite of Truth Brigade. For more information about the event including pictures and videos visit The Intel Hub.


NYC UFO Videos:

Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010

Contactee George Kavassilas Interview with in5d.com / maya12-21-2012.com

in5d | October 15, 2010

From http://www.in5d.com and http://www.maya12-21-2012.com

George Kavassilas was gracious enough to do a very impromptu Skype interview with Gregg Prescott from maya12-21-2012.com and in5d.com. Originally, it was going to be a 3 way chat between Mz. Mugzzi, George and myself, but Mz. Mugzzi's headset was non-functional, so it was just George and me. I recorded this conversation so I could review it in private because I had some questions that I was curious to ask George, such as the initial question regarding children and ascension. As it turned out, the chat flowed so smoothly that George stated, "It's too bad we're not recording this" to which I stated, "I am!!!" as I explained why. With George's consent, I present you this interview. Thanks again, George, for your time and incredible insight! I'll look forward to our next interview!

Please visit George's website:
http://www.georgekavassilas.org and
George Kavassilas' YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/horusdown...

Also, please visit Mz. Mugzzi's websites at:
http://predictmyfuture.com/ and
and subscribe to her YouTube channel at:

Montag, 11. Oktober 2010

The Free Zone 9/11/2010: Freeman Visits Australia

FloydAnderson | October 08, 2010

The Free Zone with Freeman

Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010

A Personal Tale, 2012 and HAARP

aodscarecrow | 01 October 2010

Max Igan - American Voice Radio - 10/01/10