Dienstag, 31. August 2010

Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection

in5d | 30 August 2010

Colleen stated, "The slavery of this planet is over with, the Dracs trusted the Anunnaki and they were let down. The Federation way outnumbers the enemy in raw numbers and outguns them in technology. Those like me do not even need technology any longer and folks, I and those like are just an older version of most of you (we have many plants among your numbers), sorry we could not be more public sooner. Our lives would have been lost had we not all come to at about the same time though, blindness was essential."

Colleen recently received a "galactic download" in which she completely understood physics, literally, over night!. She also connected to her higher self in a previous lifetime as a Pleiadian warrior who is currently on a mission of disclosing the mysteries behind zero point energy and much more!

From Colleen's Facebook page: Divine love entered me on Jan 31st 2010, on Valentine's day two weeks later I awoke knowing antimatter physics intimately and am now about the business of being a theoretical physicist and inventor of several key technologies that will make all humans equal with abundant riches, free energy, health and ease of transportation issues with anti-gravity. It's all in acoustics my friends, phonon power wahoo!!!

Subscribe to Colleen's videos! http://www.youtube.com/user/colesakick
Colleen's website: http://www.intellectuallyhonestscience.com/

Freitag, 13. August 2010

Jordan Maxwell -- COTO Report Interview July 2010

PrometheanReach | August 13, 2010

Jordan Maxwell interviewed by Megan 'Verb' Kargher in Los Angeles, California; circa July 2010.


Montag, 2. August 2010

Declaration Deception Michael TSarion - Freeman TV

cosmicpreachers2 | August 01, 2010


In the first half hour, we welcome back our good friend and researcher -- Freeman to update us on his trip to Australia and give us a taste of some of his new research.
And for the remainder of the broadcast we welcome back our good friend and researcher, Michael Tsarion to discuss briefly the origins of mankind and talk about the psychological prison we have all been victim.
And be sure to pick up Michael's latest DVD -- Architects Of Control

From the Chat Room:

Great, Tsarion is very interesting. You should ask him to compare and contrast his work to the work of Bill Cooper. It seems the fractures in the Truth Movement no longer completely center around Alex Jones but center around who has the real version of history, the Christian Fundamentalists or the alternative historians like Alan Watt, Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion.
It seems the people who are prone to a fundamentalist Christian perspective view Bill Cooper as the main authority and they want to get back to an idealized version of America as they concieve to have been presented by the founding fathers. The alternative historians like Alan Watt, Tsarion etc. seem to be presenting information that shows the founding fathers were not as idealistic as has been portrayed and they indeed were in on the scam all along.
The accusation I have heard against Alan Watt and Tsarion is that they are Rosicrucians and are trying to assist in the destruction of Christianity. All things to be considered but if the alternative historians are correct about the true history of Christianity then fundamentalist Christianity is bound to destruct by the weight of its own illusions and lies. Will be interesting to watch how this fracture in the Truth Movement plays out.

Hey guys. Ask Michael what his beef is with freeman. He was very inflammatory towards Freeman, and while I don't agree with Freeman's theories one bit, I find it hard to believe that these so called "truth seekers" end up stabbing each other in the back. Tsarion has defended Alex Jones strongly in the past, even though Alex pushes his Christian agenda. I don't trust this guy one bit. Jordan Maxwell is the only guy who does not kiss these people's behind to be on their shows.