Sonntag, 28. September 2008

Interview mit William Engdahl

William Engdahl erzählt im Interview mit NuoViso, wie es zu der gegenwärtigen Situation an den Finanzmärkten kommen konnte.
Er bewertet das Geschehen nicht als einen Finanzcrash, sondern vielmehr als Beginn einer langjährige Depression. In diesem Zusammenhang ordnet er auch den provozierten Konflikt in Georgien ein.
Länge: 29:14Aufgenommen am: 21 September 2008in: Leipzig, Sachsen, Deutschland

Engdahl Interview
Hochgeladen von NuoViso

Secret Space, Volume 2 "Alien Invasion" 1/4

Enigma Motion Pictures -
A well put together documentary revealing a wide range of evidence that points towards NASA hiding a big secret to mankind "we are not alone...Alles » A well put together documentary revealing a wide range of evidence that points towards NASA hiding a big secret to mankind "we are not alone and have never been alone" In the past conspiracy theorists have been branded a bad name because the theory most of the time consisted of no evidence and the story would take on all kinds of twist as the conspiracy would circulate through the public like chines whispers. In the past five years due to the rise of the world wide web a lot of conspiracy theories are now being taken serious. Information has become public because of the web, credible evidence is now to the normal person viable, we are able to validate claims made by looking through archives and company websites. Conspiracy theory is no longer "theory" but a evidential conspiracy with credible people revealing secrets within the system. I believe the web is a blueprint to there downfall. I believe its about time we all took a reality check. You don't need to turn to high up officials giving out small parts of information through the media anymore, all the information is on the Internet

Samstag, 27. September 2008

A Hidden Subliminal Message from Jay Z BACKMASKING

David Rockefeller and Jay-Z Rocafella connection from EmceeArSn: quote LordDeimos775 : "Listen my fellow brothers, Jay-Z is a house n.#Xx.a. He is a member of a secret society known as the boule (Sigma Pi Phi)....!" quote Tuvoc310 : "Someone told me that Jay Z is a Christian so he would not be involved with the Illuminati Stuff and the subliminal messages. But if you look at "Jay Z Making Lucifer" on You Tube toward the end you'll hear him say he never read a bible in his life." Interesting video posted from "theboy01" Rocafella Secret Society, Clip of a UK Radio Interview with Damion Dash when he is asked about the meaning of the Pyramide Hand Sign! 1-(666)-911-iLLuminati from "TheForerunner777": "The Truth Behind Hip Hop" Hidden Message from Jay Z. Jay-Z Shuns Devil-Worshipping Allegations Posted in the Vibe Magazin By Rajul Punjabi: The hate on hip hop flared up a few months ago when G. Craige Lewis of EX Ministries called out Jay-Z for worshipping the devil in his music. On a clip that was circulating on You Tube and through e-mail, Lewis allegedly plays one of Jigga's songs backwards. source: "Occult Secrets of Jay Z, Kanye & Nas" A deep look at the very disturbing truth behind some of mainstream music's most 'popular' celebrities and their occult practices. from skeetsers: "Nas and Jay-Z Ritual" from momepublishing: Snoop Dog, Eazy-E, Master P Demons and Music: Eminem Exposed "A Must See": Madonna & Britney Spears Kabbalah Worship:

The Illuminati II

Vol 2

Sonntag, 21. September 2008

Truth Rising: A Riff to sing to: 911 Was an Inside Job

Please download and spread!

A Riff to sing to
911 was an Inside Job!
911 was an Inside Job!
written for the movement Truth Rising
Added to the Video Truth Rising

Alex Jones and the Crowd: 911 was an Inside Job Song

Truth Rising: Eine Antwort auf die Lügen der globalen Elite Deutsche Synchronfassung von infokrieg ab sofort verfügbar

Alex Benesch
4. September 2008

"The 9/11 Chronicles: Part One, Truth Rising" zelebriert die freie Meinungsäußerung; ein aussterbendes Recht in der Welt seit 9/11. Alex Jones' neuester Dokumentarfilm, gedreht im Cinéma-Vérité-Stil, zeigt wie Aktivisten die Architekten des globalen Regimes konfrontieren und dabei gewaltige Risiken in Kauf nehmen.

illuminati minidocumentary

Wuddy: "dont be so confused, there is sooo much more info and videos with the full stories of what is in this vid out there. such a massive subject cant be completely covered in detail in an 8min video. if this doesnt make u wanna go look for more info on what u just seen i would consider you dumb."

Donnerstag, 18. September 2008

Dienstag, 9. September 2008

Wie gefährlich sind die USA für den Weltfrieden?

Offen gibt die USA zu Milizen als Freiheitkämpfer militärisch und finanziell zu unterstützen.

Nicaragua ist hierfür ein Beispiel. Auch die Rosenrevolution in Georgien wurde von den USA finanziell unterstützt, erst die verhalf Saarkavilli an die Macht in Georgien.

Obwohl Georgien, wahrscheinlich im Auftrag der USA, der Aggressor im Georgienkonflikt war, bietet Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Georgien den NATO-Beitritt an.

Das zeigt ihren unbedingten Willen zu einem militärischen Konflikt mit Russland. Der US-Raktenabwehrschild in der Tschechei und Polen bieten wohl den nötigen Rückhalt für dieses agressive Verhalten der EU.

Wieder einmal prescht Merkel für die USA an die Front, was auch die EU-Betrebungen nach einer EU-Armee mehr als erklärt.

Der mediale NEUE Kalte Krieg gegen Russland ist nicht erst seit dem 08.08.08 eröffnet, sondern begann zeitgleich mit Merkels Amtsantritt in 2005.

Sonntag, 7. September 2008

Terrorstorm 2nd Edition - deutsch

Die zweite Fassung von Terrorstorm, mit über 16 Minuten völlig neuem Material. Komplett neu synchronisiert von

Mittwoch, 3. September 2008

Fabled Enemies (Super High Quality, full movie)

Jason Bermas' Fabled Enemies on the intelligence apparatus and its involvement in 9/11.